Game Pigeon Beer Pong How To Play

  1. Beer Pong Games To Play
  2. Game Pigeon Beer Pong How To Play Free

Setting Up For Beer Pong. At each end of your beer pong table, arrange ten cups in a pyramid-like formation. Fill each cup with your desired amount of beverage. Beer Pong Tables. If you’re wanting to play by ‘official’ rules, your beer pong table should by 8’ x 2’. However, any flat surface will do. The object of the game is to eliminate the opposing team’s cups before they can eliminate yours. If you have beer pong racks, it’s easy. If not, simply arrange the cups in a 6- or 10-cup triangle shape. Fill all beer pong cups about 1/4 to 1/3 of the way with beer.

OBJECTIVE OF BEER PONG: Throw a ping pong ball into cups in order to get your opponents drunk.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2-4 players (played with fixed partnerships)

MATERIALS: Table, 22 plastic cups, ping pong balls, beer

TYPE OF GAME: Drinking



Beer Pong, or Beirut, is undoubtedly the most iconic drinking game ever. The traditional game, which is 10 cup beer pong (although 6 cup is not an uncommon set-up on smaller tables), has murky origins. It is believed that the game was invented at Dartmouth College in the 1950s or 1960s. The original version, supposedly, used ping pong paddles and a net, and resembled ping pong more than modern beer pong.

Alternatively, students from Bucknell University claimed in their student newspaper that fraternity members of their Delta Epsilon chapter invented a game throw pong, which has more similarities to modern beer pong than the Dartmouth version. This game was passed from college to college via party until it spread across the United States.

The source of the name Beirut is also contested and even rejected by some beer pong enthusiasts. Apparently, the name references the paddle-less version of beer pong, however; the majority of players of the game refer to the paddle-less version as beer pong.

Supposedly, Beirut was invented during the Lebanese Civil War, where the capital, Beirut, was at the center of the fighting.


On a table (the standard size of a beer pong table is 2 feet wide x 8 feet long) set up ten cups on either end in the form of a pyramid. This will be as follows: a 5 cup base, 4 cups directly above that, then 3 cups, 2 cups, and the top cup. The remaining 2 cups accompany the pyramids: 1 cup per pyramid. These cups are filled with water for rinsing the balls.

It is customary to fill the cups a quarter the way with beer, however, the more sanitary version is to fill the cups with water and have a bottle or can of beer on the side for drinking.


Once the cups are set up and beer ready, it is time to start the game. It is customary for players to start by throwing “eye to eye.” That is a player from each team grab a ball and steps up to the table, they look each other eye to eye and throw the ball, trying to land it in a cup. Whichever team sinks the ball in a cup first starts the game. The cup is not removed from the layout.


The first shots are taken by the team who sunk during eye-to-eye tosses. Each player takes a turn trying to sink a ball in their opponent’s cups. The general rule of the game is: sink a ball in an opponent’s cup, a member of the opposing team must drink and the cup is removed from the layout.

  • Players may either bounce the ball in a cup (house rules typically count that as 2 cups as opposed to just one) or toss it in overhand.
  • If both teammates sink a ball in a cup, it’s balls back. They get the balls back and get another turn.
  • Players can re-rack (or re-organize) their cups into different shapes during the game. For example, players may wish to arrange the cups that remain into a triangle or a zipper-like shape to improve chances of sinking. It is common that games allow one or two re-racks during play.
  • The rebuttal or redemption occurs once one team has sunk all their opponent’s cups. The other team gets a chance to send the game to overtime. This can only happen if they only have 1 or 2 cup left to sink. Both teammates get a chance to shoot. If they sink all the cups that remain on the table the game goes into overtime. Different rules may apply depending on the house rules.
  • During overtime, each team setting up three cups. The last player to sink starts first. Overtime is played as usual, the team who wins in overtime wins the game.

Different people and places may have house rules, or variations on the rules which are traditionally observed as official rules. Always review the rules with people who you are playing with so that everyone is observes the same rules prior to starting a game.


  • If you ball into your own cup it often carries no penalty, however, some people count it in favor of the opposition. This applies to cups that are knocked over. But, not cups knocked over by non-players.
  • If you miss a throw/bounce but retrieve the ball back before your opponent’s you may take another shot. If you take a shot it must be a trick shot, such as behind the back or under the knee.
  • Interference is an accepted and fun part of the game. However, that may not apply in every house’s version.

By Juansi Santaella — May 8, 2017 — English 4

As part of the recent ios 10 software update introduced last fall, iMessage can now be used as something more than just for texting. Apple introduced a series of little apps that are accessible only from your iMessages. Gamepigeon is one of the top iMessage apps out there with a variety of games to play.

20 cups, 2 balls, and 2 iPhones is all that you need to play the latest Gamepigeon iMessage game, “Cup Pong”.

This game is a digital version of the popular party drinking game known as beer pong. The game is set up with 20 solo cups — 10 on each side– forming a pyramid. 4 cups in the back row, 3 in the next, 2 cups ahead, and a final cup in front.

Player one starts a new game and a message is sent to the opponent. The opponent opens the game and gets two chances to swipe the ball and try to make it into a cup. If the ball goes into the cup, the cup is taken away. If both balls go into the cups, the player gets balls back. Balls back mean both balls go back to the player and they get to try to swipe the balls into more cups. This happens until the player misses. When the player misses, their turn is over and the next player attempts to make it into the other cups. The objective of the game is to make it into as many cups first. If you make it into all of the cups, the game is still not over, the other player can redeem themselves.

Unlike its real life counterpart, once the game is over and a winner is determined, the loser does not have to drink all of the remaining cups left on the table.

This game is available to anyone with access to the iPhone’s iMessage feature, virtually allowing anyone to become that stereotypical party-goer for the duration of the game. This game obviously does not include the use of beer or any other type of liquid, but the fun is still very intoxicating.

I know that after a few games played, I wanted to dust off the ol’ ping pong table and invite about a few dozen friends and have an actual tournament. This game is very fun and I highly recommend everyone to play it. It is a great thing to do when you want to kill some time.


With every good thing in life, there is always a critic. Someone who can’t help but disagree or get offended with everything. I have read many reviews that this game should be banned because it promotes and encourages drinking and partying. But in all honesty, the game is far from that. It is a harmless game that was created to pass time. The one unfortunate thing about the app and the game itself is that it can only be played between two people. I would love to see a “teams” option so that you and a buddy can take on two other buddies in a group chat.

Beer Pong Games To Play

Overall, a good game is really hard to find these days. It has been a while since I have opened my phone just to play a game. In my opinion, player v. player games are very entertaining and that is one of the reasons I really enjoy the Gamepigeon iMessage app.

Game Pigeon Beer Pong How To Play Free

The game is simple, fun, and best of all: it is 100% free!